Video Timeline (min:sec):
00.00 - 04:00 Introduction
04:00 - 06:40 Next steps, Food Festival and its vital role
06:40 - 34:54 Q&A with David Dixon
34:54 - 50:54 (end) Q&A/Discussion without David
No separate presentation - everything is in the video!
Chat text:
00:50:20 Amanda Davis: David, are you working with a local FWAG? Your National Landscape?
00:50:25 Alison Bruce: Can you provide a link to your plan please?
00:51:48 John Payne: We live on a forestry track twenty yards inside Wales, we now have a Resilience hub in our village hall. What do you think of this concept. We also run a community village store and Po
00:53:39 Amanda Davis: Community Allotment, reducing food waste, (we have Glos Recycle (GCC) master composter scheme), cooperative stores?
00:56:21 Liz Green: Does anyone know how widespread this sort of planning is nationwide? Setting up a Climate Café in Stonehouse Glos, near Stroud and I'm hoping plan exists in Stroud area.
00:58:42 Peter Bates:
00:59:16 David Dixon:
00:59:30 Penny Q Weymouth: Reacted to "https:www.bridport-t..." with 🙏
01:00:27 Peter Bates:
01:04:29 Caroline Murray: Can I ask a question of those with council experience? - I understand that it's a requirement to have a biodiversity plan - can this be covered by a Climate Action Plan, or is this a separate thing?
01:09:27 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
I think it depends what your climate action plan covers, and if a solid section on biodiversity, it could be brought over into your Biodiversity Plan. Have you audited what your council does for biodiversity through your contracted services, your allotment and cemeteries and closed graveyards etc, for example.
01:11:34 Caroline Murray: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Thanks Amanda. Nothing has been formally audited. I wouldn't even know how to go about that. Any suggestions?
01:12:27 Penny Q Weymouth:
01:12:35 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Have you seen the SLCC/NALC model policies that our Andrew Maliphant
01:12:50 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
01:12:55 Caroline Murray: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
I have seen the model policies, yes.
01:14:31 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
start by checking pesticide use, specific areas left unmowed, whether allotments allow bees, proactive promotion of food waste reduction, dark skies promotion, erect swift boxes, etc etc 01:15:20 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
There is so much your council might come up with that you already do, could do if you just thought about it, might do if ambitious etc
01:20:04 Caroline Murray: Reacted to "start by checking pe..." with 👍
01:20:18 Caroline Murray: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Yes, we already do a lot.
01:21:50 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Collect that into a plan, formally adopt and review it regularly. This will help towards your Biodiversity Duty on Parish and Town Council
01:23:35 Amanda Davis: Reacted to "Yes, we already do a..." with ❤️
01:25:27 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Remember blue spaces as well as green. Flood plans, sewage and water quality monitoring, planning policies etc
01:26:32 Caroline Murray: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
OK. That's great Amanda. So, include biodiversity plan within the Climate Action Plan? 01:27:12 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Up to you how you want to deliver your actions under that duty. So sounds like that works for you
01:27:25 Caroline Murray: Reacted to "Up to you how you wa..." with 👍
01:27:30 Caroline Murray: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
Thank you
01:27:45 Amanda Davis: Replying to "Can I ask a question..."
01:29:46 Jennifer Lanham: Thanks everyone. Off to another interesting meetin!
01:33:48 John Payne: This is the latest on the rockfall
01:34:00 Caroline Murray: I need to go too. Thank you so much. Excellent information sharing.
01:34:05 Penny Q Weymouth: Community emergency hubs in NZ CEC network - contact Phoenix
01:36:11 Graham Stoddart-Stones:
01:37:27 Kirsten Newble: Really sorry, got to hop onto another call. Thanks again.
01:43:31 Graham Stoddart-Stones:
01:54:17 Graham Stoddart-Stones:
Search text:
Resilience Hub, Food Hub, climate and ecological emergency response, food security and community resilience, community-supported agricultural schemes, supply of fresh, nutritious, sustainably grown food,