Carbon Copy's 25 "Big Local Actions"
Carbon Copy have identified 25 local actions, and together with WWF UK, The Carbon Literacy Project and Climate Emergency UK, would like to encourage as many people as possible in their community groups and work places to do something bigger for climate and nature in 2025. Buildings & Places
Create a community hub
Insulate our homes
Prepare for heatwaves
Take flood action
Circular Economy
Borrow don’t buy
Repair and reuse
Use less plastic
Food & Agriculture
Create a food partnership
Farm with nature
Produce local food
Reduce food waste
Create space for nature
Plant more trees
Protect our shores
Restore peatlands
Rewild land
Renewable Energy
Generate energy locally
Install low-carbon heating
Use decentralised energy
Turn to public transport
Walk and cycle
Local Powers
Be more inclusive
Engage your community
Lobby for change
Take community ownership